Debbie, a lady struggling with a cancer
I had a lump in my breast and felt a tugging sensation.

After a few weeks of doubts about a nagging pain in her chest, Debbie decided to go to the hospital to undergo a physical examination.
She was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer after a mammogram.
Equipped with the latest microscopes, physicians confirmed the diagnosis with a biopsy.

She receives a specific oncologic treatment to cure her cancer. Affordability was not an issue thanks to the insurance that she subscribed to.
The hospital team supports and guides her with adapted education materials, with efficiency programmes to facilitate her adherence to treatment.
Fortunately, after several rounds of chemotherapy, Debbie’s cancer is in remission.

Because she lost weight during her treatment and doesn’t have much of an appetite, guided by her physician Radha, she opts for medical advanced nutrition that helps her to recover.