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Launched in November 2016, WeHealth Digital Medicine is the eHealth department of the Servier Group

About WeHealth Digital Medicine

WeHealth Digital Medicine proposes innovative digital and connected solutions and services by making the most of collected data, to ensure better individual monitoring of the patient and to better prevent and predict the evolution of disease. In an open innovative approach, WeHealth Digital Medicine identifies the most promising start-ups in e-health, in France and internationally, to co-develop solutions. In this way, WeHealth Digital Medicine contributes to the creation of an ecosystem of partners to facilitate and accelerate the development, industrialization and distribution of innovations and to render them accessible to the greatest number.

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Wehealth Digital Medicine Solutions

WeHealth Digital Medicine has already signed 6 partnerships worldwide with 4 solutions already commercialized in France and USA (Cardioskin™, Myoregulator™, Bionov™, and Oncohub™).

Cardioskin™ is a smart textile that performs 15-lead electrocardiogram monitoring and is available on prescription, under medical supervision. It is made of a light, smart fabric (which can be washed several times) featuring embedded sensors which measure the heart’s electrocardiographic activity (ECG) and detect abnormalities, in situations where long-term assessment (more than 24 hours) of the heart’s rhythm is required.

Wellingo™ is the first portable heart attack detection device. The solution under development is a point-of-care hs-cTnI device enabling bedside testing in ambulance, urgent care and hospital emergency room, efficiently reducing current 6-12 hours conventional Troponin protocol to just 1 hour with the new portable hs-cTnI. The device is still under development and the prototype will be available by Q4 2019.

HomeHeart™ is a simple, non-invasive device that will measure serum potassium, renal function and estimated plasma volume as a surrogate for congestion, at the patient’s home and will provide the information to the patient’s physician. The device is still under development and the prototype will be available by Q4 2019.

MyoRegulator™ system is a microprocessor-controlled device that uses PathMaker’s patent-protected DoubleStim technology to deliver synchronized stimulation at two sites along the neural axis via two pairs of disposable skin-surface electrodes.

Bionov™ solution is an innovative platform developed by CureMatch to allow oncologists to reliably understand options for each individual patient based on their specific genetic profile and mutations.

Oncohub™ is an interoperable web-based platform created by oncologists and radiologists facilitating data collection and optimizing cancer patient’s follow-up.

… One success story

In just 2 years, WeHealth Digital Medicine has already signed 6 partnerships worldwide with 4 solutions already commercialized in France and USA.

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