Natural supplements for self-regulation
Laboratoires Activa, specialists in biocellular nutrition are offering a natural, holistic and global view of health with its innovative concept of Microgranule.
About Laboratoires Activa
Born of our founders’ medical expertise together with their uncompromising determination to advance a universal and responsible vision of human health, Laboratoires Activa have brought innovation to the nutritional supplements market with a pioneering concept:
Activa’s “Next Gen” biocellular nutritional supplements.
While modern medicine sticks to the symptomatic approach, Laboratoires Activa – specialists in biocellular nutrition – are offering a holistic or global view of health.
Our approach is to work on body field by providing information essential to the proper functioning of the body’s energy flow, by means of innovative and natural nutritional supplements, thus helping to maintain the harmony between the body and its external environment.
This approach, rooted in ongoing, continuous innovation and research, is what underlies the guidelines that we at Laboratoires Activa follow every day in accordance with our fundamental values: respect, ethics, trust, performance, precision and safety.
Get in touch with Laboratoires Activa
Laboratoires Activa Solutions
As a specialist in biocellular nutrition our formulas offer:






Some testimonials
From General Practitioner to Patient
Dr. Marc Calmein, General Practitioner in Saone et Loire, France.
I recommend health supplements everyday because I am sure of their efficiency. I am convinced that, if we want to grow old well, it is very important to manage our own health capital. I discovered Activa Glucidotonic, which I recommend to my type 2 diabetes patients, as it helps to limit glycemic fluctuations and assimilate glucose better. After 10 days of regular intake (twice a day) together with their drug treatment, I advice them to stop their drug intake in the morning and to take a Glucidotonic instead. Then they will take their drug at lunchtime and at night their drug together with Glucidotonic. After a month, they can carry on taking the supplement in the morning and suppress the one at night while still reducing the drug treatment.
Dr. Pierre Rodriguez, General Practitioner, Correze, France.
Being a GP, I often treat patients (often men) having hemorrhoids. For some years I have been recommending different products plant based in addition to a medical treatment (ointment). After having prescribed Activa WellXBeing Circulation to several of my patients, I noticed that this natural supplement was particularly efficient for its analgesic effect and for reducing inflammation rapidly and on the long term. I usually recommend taking it for a month longer; to avoid recurrence, and it works very well.
Dr. Antoine Gimenez, General Practitioner Bordeaux, France.
Today, recommendations in the treatment of high blood pressure have evolved a lot and we don’t recommend antihypertensive drugs only based on blood pressure readings. That’s why I really tend to get a maximum of information from my patients, such as medical and family history and way of life habits, before looking at the blood pressure numbers. Before prescribing any medical treatment for life, I recommend and change of diet, regular exercise practice and to take a health supplement : Activa Blood Pressure that will help to naturally regulate the blood circulation and blood pressure. I schedule a visit 10 days and 30 after in order to check the results. Only then, if these turns out not to be enough, will I prescribe hypo tensors.
Nathalie: So tired of restless nights
I’ve had difficulties for as long as I can remember. Even as a child I wouldn’t fall asleep easily. As an adult, with stress it got worst. I was almost not sleeping anymore at night, which made me drowsy during the day. I tried many herbal teas (verbena, linden, orange blossom…). I took sleeping pills to ease the sleeping process but I was still waking up at night. On the advices of a friend I tired Activa Well Being Sleep. The first days I was taking 2 caps per nights and I immediately noticed I was falling asleep more easily but most of all I was experiencing quiet nights with fewer nocturnal awakening. Little by little I was falling asleep more and more easily and could experience the feeling of restful night. I am thrilled that they got advised to me and I will recommend to anyone having sleeping problems.